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Pete Scott - Lead Pastor

My wife Melody and I have had the privilege of serving as the senior pastors of Chapel of the

Hills for over 20 years.


* Graduates of  Northwest University in Seattle, WA.


* Ordained by the Assemblies of God in ’94. 

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About the 


A church with cultural awareness and unrelenting conviction that arranges common ground for both seeker and follower;

Providing a point of connection between God and people that results in authentic change; 

Developing and releasing the next generation of ministry leaders;

Achieving local and international impact through multi-site strategy and diverse partnerships.


Our doctrine can be summarized with these 5 statements of belief:

  • We believe that everything important in this life and the life beyond hinges on the person and work of Jesus Christ, God's only Son.

  • We believe the Bible is the only absolute reliable source about God and life.

  • We believe God's Holy Spirit desires to live inside us and continue the work of God on earth as recorded in the Bible.

  • We believe God wants to connect our lives with other followers of Christ and to love our neighbors as ourselves.

  • We believe God calls us to a journey of growth in our relationship with Him and to invite others to do the same. 

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